Saturday, July 15, 2023

You Brighten My Day

Hi Crafty Friends,
I was inspired to make these cards by the Hero Arts Stay Crafty With Hero Challenge. I used Hero Arts Rays of Color Window Fancy Die and Love You Stamp & Cut XL set with bright yellow colors perfect for this challenge.

Make Crafty Friends Q & A:
Q: What brings sunshine in your life?
A: Me? My puppy Maddie

Card #1: You Brighten My Day Pearl Version

Card #2: You Brighten My Day Gems & Glitter Version

Hero Arts Love You Stamp & Cut XL
Hero Arts Rays of Color Fancy Window Die

Polkadoodles Challenge #28
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Shimmer and Shine
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge We're Going Round in Circles
Stay Crafty with Hero Here Comes the Sun
Word Art Wednesday Weeks #603-604


  1. Pretty cards! I love the background die!
    My kitty, Coco, always brightens my day! I love it when she runs across the room to me when she's excited to see me! That always brings a big smile!

  2. My day is brightened when I get out of
    bed and see that the sun is shining.
    Really dislike dreary days - wears me
    down. Love your rays. thanks for sharing

  3. Pretty and sunny is always welcomed. Of course da Pup! Ol gals getting slower so when she gets a 2 second burst she steals my heart over and over.

  4. Such happy cards! Thanks for joining in with the Stay Crafty with A Blog Named Hero challenge :)

  5. Love both color combo! Beautiful design! Thanks for joining the challenge at Polkadoodles challenge!
    Hope to see you again soon.
    Nunzia DT

  6. So fresh and fun! Thanks for playing along in the Stay Crafty Challenge with A Blog Named Hero.

  7. Beautiful cards! Thank you very much for joining in with the Stay Crafty with A Blog Named Hero challenge!
