It's April Winners Time!
you EVERYONE for your kind comments and answering my "Make Crafty
Friends Q & A" I love reading your responses because everyone is so SWEET and KIND!
Mr. Random Picked Blog Post number 15 out of 32 which was this post Titled:
You RockThere were 11 comments on this blog post Mr. Random Chose 3 of 11 which was Mary Holshouser with this comment
There were 274 comments on the Instagram Post and Mr. Random Chose @laurafetterly
The Winners are: Mary Holshouser & @laurafetterly
Congratulations Ladies! Please email me at with your snail mail address to claim your
prizes by May 10th or I will do a re-draw!
Aprils's Prize for Mary Holshouser was:
April's Prize for @laurafetterly was:
Please keep the kind comments coming and share with your friends!
Don't forget to follow me on
Instagram @MadeByMeghanK
and tag your friends! Look for the graphics below. I will be choosing a
WINNER from the blog commenters for the prize on the right sidebar
(May Blog Giveaway) AND a WINNER from Instagram Commenters for the
prize on the graphic below (May Instagram Giveaway)
That is TWO WINNERS and YES, if Mr. Random chooses you twice you get BOTH!