Sunday, September 17, 2023


 Hi Crafty Friends,
This is Magical Dragons from My Favorite Things! I love that the dragon and kiddos are READING instead of watching TV or playing video games! I used the My Favorite Things Sketch Challenge #663 for my design inspiration.

Make Crafty Friends Q & A:
Q: What book are you reading right now?
A: Me? Confessions on the 7:45

My Favorite Things Magical Dragons

My Favorite Things Sketch Challenge #663
Papercraft Challenge #98 Ribbon
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge: Take Flight
Park Hopping is My Happy Place Inspired By Busch Gardens Land of the Dragons
D.L Art September Linky Challenge


  1. I am with you! When I babysit the grandkids twice per week, we play and read instead of mess around on technology. I will be finishing my book about Queen Victoria once we return from England and Wales. I love your dragon idea. Wales has a dragon on their flag. A red dragon. Your green one is so cute!

  2. Mary Holshouser
    Remain Silent by Robyn Gigl
    Sweet card. Love to see kids
    reading. Dragon seems to enjoy
    it too. thanks for sharing.

  3. What a cute card! I like the little dragon. Thanks for joining us at the Papercraft Challenge.

  4. Very cute card!
    I'm not reading anything right now, but I have one book set aside to read soon. I'd tell you the title, but I have Coco parked on my lap at the moment and don't want to disturb her!

  5. Absolutely precious. No time to read anymore, but love seeing the little book giveaways around for the kiddos. Fun sweet card!
